Brian Jacobs, LPC

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Part 2: Can KAP Help With Trauma?

In Part 1, we discussed how ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) can help individuals with depression. We explored how ketamine, initially developed as an anesthetic, has shown promise as an innovative approach for various mental health conditions, including depression.

Trauma is a common experience that can lead to conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, chronic pain, depression, and substance use disorders. Trauma can result from a single event or a series of events, affecting people in different ways. Fortunately, several treatment options are available, including ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP).

A Few Reminders About Trauma

It Does Not Define You

Trauma can feel overwhelming, often becoming an integral part of one's perceived identity. However, working with a skilled professional can help you see trauma as an external challenge that can be addressed. KAP, along with other therapeutic approaches, can provide you with the skills and tools needed for recovery. Embracing self-awareness and self-compassion is crucial, and your KAP therapist will guide you on this journey.

Acceptance is Not Surrender

Accepting what happened to you can be difficult and may initially evoke feelings of guilt. However, understanding that it is okay to not be okay is a significant step. Recognizing that the traumatic event was not your fault allows you to let go of anger, resentment, and shame. From this place of acceptance, you can fully engage with KAP and its potential benefits.

How KAP Can Benefit Someone Struggling With Trauma

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy offers several potential benefits for individuals dealing with trauma:

  • Rapid Reduction of Symptoms: Many experience a quick decrease in symptoms such as flashbacks and nightmares.

  • Sustainable Symptom Relief: KAP can provide long-lasting relief from trauma-related symptoms.

  • Enhanced Self-Esteem: Patients often report increased confidence and self-compassion.

  • Reduced Reliance on Substances: KAP may help decrease the need for prescription medications or other substances.

  • Elevated Mood and Energy: Patients often feel more energetic and have improved moods.

  • Improved Relationships: Better social connections and relationships are commonly reported.

  • Deeper Spiritual Life: Many find a more meaningful spiritual connection.

  • Increased Calm and Gratitude: A greater sense of relaxation, safety, joy, and gratitude is often experienced.

How Does KAP work?

The process begins with a thorough medical assessment to determine if KAP is the right fit for you. Treatment involves alternating sessions, with some focused on the administration of ketamine (typically via lozenge, intramuscular injection, or IV) by a trained physician or nurse. Your therapist can be present with you during dosing sessions for support and non-intrusive guidance.

Between ketamine sessions, you will engage in integration sessions with your KAP therapist. These sessions help you process and harmonize the insights gained during ketamine administration with your everyday life. The therapy is highly personalized, tailored to address your specific experiences and needs.

KAP: A Therapeutic Alternative for Trauma

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy represents a promising approach to addressing trauma-related issues. Under the guidance of specially trained professionals, KAP employs a combination of techniques to facilitate healing and recovery. While trauma can feel permanent, KAP can help create the necessary shifts to support your journey towards healing.

If you are curious about KAP and how it might help you, please feel free to reach out to me for more information.

Learn more about Trauma Treatment