Does Trauma Hold You Back From Living The Life You Desire? 

Trauma Therapy

Do you hold onto the burden of shame stemming from a past experience that you wish you could change? Does intense anxiety overwhelm you when triggered by cues from prior traumatic events, causing you to avoid certain people, places, or situations? Are you constantly vigilant of potential danger, even in instances when you know that you should feel safe? 

Perhaps you were neglected as a child, raised by verbally or emotionally abusive parents, or were exposed to mental and psychological abuse in your youth. Now, as an adult, you’re finding that your past maintains an influence on how you conduct your actions, thoughts, and decisions. Or maybe the cause of your distressing emotions occurred more recently, and you’re struggling to come to terms with the reasons for your feelings and how to cope and move forward effectively. 

Trauma Can Manifest In Complex, Often Confusing Ways 

You might experience unexplained illness and other physical symptoms like muscle tension, heart palpitations, or sleep deprivation because of the profound impact that trauma has on the body. Or maybe you want to ease your mind and relax for a little while, but the hypervigilance of your constantly racing mind prevents you from doing so. 

All in all, you probably just want to find ways to overcome the hold that trauma has on your life. Trying to accomplish this feat alone can be stressful and overwhelming, misleading you to the notion that sustainable relief is nearly impossible. 

Whatever you are going through, I’m confident that my compassionate approach to trauma therapy can help you find peace. Together, we’ll work to process and heal the painful memories that hold you back so that you can relinquish the behaviors that no longer serve you and progress toward the life that you truly desire. 

Everyone Experiences Trauma At Some Point In Their Lives 

Trauma is often broadly described as an emotional response to a negative event or experience. That means most people eventually endure some form of trauma. Sometimes, that results from widely recognized experiences like domestic violence, sexual assault, and physical or emotional abuse. 

Other times, however, trauma can be influenced by more subtle stressors, such as sociopolitical unrest, racism, homophobia, and climate change, to name a few. Another powerful factor that directly contributes to trauma is Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE), which includes family violence, physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, living with  family members suffering with mental illness, parental separation or divorce, and substance abuse.

According to the CDC, approximately 61 percent of adults surveyed in the US have had at least one Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE). And 1 in 6 people report having four ACEs, which is a major precursor to trauma. Left unresolved, those experiences can lead to a multitude of health issues down the road, including heart disease, stroke, depression, and suicidality. ACEs are also highly correlated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which affects about 12 million adults per year in this country. 

Trauma Lingers In The Body, Making It Difficult To Overcome Your Pain

When trauma happens, it sticks with you and lingers in the body and mind. At times, it can be easy to feel so overwhelmed by the distressing emotions that you cannot focus on effectively healing on your own. You may even experience flashbacks or intrusive thoughts and memories that leave you feeling stuck in the past. 

PTSD Therapy

Furthermore, you might feel the need to hide your pain from friends and family in order to protect yourself and loved ones, or simply because the weight of shame prevents you from opening up to them. As your counselor, my goal is to guide you toward your path of healing. 

In therapy, you will have the opportunity to process and reconcile the memories that bring you trauma. Together, we will get to the root cause of your trauma symptoms and develop coping skills that will help you manage your triggers whenever they arise in your everyday life. 

Therapy Can Help You Overcome Your Trauma 

Many people experience guilt and shame when reflecting on their traumatic experiences but don’t always know how to overcome these feelings when they arise. In therapy, I work with patients to help them gain awareness of how they protect themselves from emotional pain—as well as the benefits and pitfalls of these protections from trauma. We work together to safely utilize the traits that help them feel safe and relinquish the protective mechanisms that no longer serve them so they can live confidently and in accordance with their values. 

We will begin with an initial intake form to help paint a broad picture of your challenges and goals. Then, during the initial intake session, I will collaborate with you to create specific plans to help you achieve the goals that you have set. Together, we will envision what life will look like at the end of therapy so that we both have an idea of what we’re working towards. 

What To Expect In Trauma Therapy 

One of the keys to therapy is learning how to recognize and regulate anxiety in the body by utilizing these newfound skills. Sometimes during tense situations or when difficult feelings surface, you may find yourself feeling a sense of fight/flight/freeze. 

I aim to help you overcome those moments with confidence so that you can respond in ways that best fit your interests. I utilize various therapeutic treatments to help my trauma patients, so we can adapt to whichever method best works for what you need. 

Experiential Dynamic Therapy (EDT) is one of my primary approaches. Pulling from the latest in attachment research, interpersonal neurobiology, and mindfulness practices, EDT helps you identify the root of your distressing symptoms and has been proven effective in overcoming childhood attachment trauma. 

And if you do better with highly structured approaches, I am certified in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and also offer Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)—these methods of treatment are effective for addressing specific traumas by helping you better understand and change the negative thought patterns that keep you stuck in the past. 

Since 2013, I have been counseling patients on effective ways to cope with trauma. I have seen first-hand the power of healing and know that it is possible to be free from the heavy burden of shame that accompanies trauma symptoms. Together, I want to work to help you find your worth, reconnect with those you care about, and take charge of your life. 

You May Have Some Concerns About Getting A Trauma Therapist… 

Talking About My Trauma In Therapy Can’t Possibly Help Me. 

Trauma therapy is more than just speaking about past experiences or painful emotions. It’s about the freedom obtained from working through those complicated emotions so that you can gain a sense of control and make the best decisions for yourself. 

Trauma Treatment

Something painful in your life may have brought you here, but therapy offers you the opportunity to overcome that pain. And reaching out for help is an important step in finding true healing. Together, we will aim to conduct the deeper work that will help you overcome the distress and move forward with confidence. 

I’m Afraid To Revisit My Trauma. It’s just too painful. 

It can be scary to dive deep into the memories that bring you pain—to feel the overwhelming emotions that they stir up. But there is an important distinction between pain and suffering. Pain is what we might experience when we look at our feelings. However, these painful emotions should only last temporarily, allowing us to eventually overcome them. 

Suffering is a self-perpetuating cycle that occurs when we cannot look at our inner emotions because our pain weighs too heavily. When these distressing emotions linger, you may find it easier to avoid the people and situations that create these feelings. In therapy, I will work to show you the necessary tools needed to understand your triggers and cope with trauma, both in and outside of sessions, whenever your emotions get too intense.

I’m Afraid I Can’t Afford To Pay For Trauma Therapy. 

Everyone has different circumstances, which is why I’m willing to accept various payment methods to fit any situation you may find yourself in. Committing to trauma counseling means making a true investment in taking care of yourself and paying attention to your needs. 

The thought can seem intimidating, especially if you’re used to playing second fiddle to everyone else’s needs. But investing in your well-being is necessary to thrive and live life to the fullest. 

Find True Healing From Your Trauma 

If you’re ready to overcome the effects that trauma has on you, I encourage you to inquire about treatment. We will develop personalized methods to limit your triggers and cope with stress whenever it arises so that it no longer holds you back. 

Please connect with me via my contact page for more information about my approach to trauma therapy. I’m looking forward to hearing from you! 


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